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Sendcloud pack & go

Pack & Go: Automate your picking and packing with Sendcloud

The proper functioning of warehouse processes is essential for operational improvement, however, all-to-often errors happen. The question stands, how do you prevent human errors when it comes to picking and…

April 13, 2021

rules of origin

Rules of Origin & Preferential Duty: Ship to the EU after Brexit

For e-commerce businesses who want to pursue international shipping from the UK or import to the UK, understanding the rules of origin and preferential duty is vital. Both the rules of…

January 26, 2021

shipping rules sendcloud

Smart shipping rules: A guide to saving time and money with automation

E-commerce logistics can be one of the most time-costly parts of running an e-commerce store. Picking the products, ensuring the correct shipping method and carrier are used for the right…

January 6, 2021

sendcloud automation

A full guide on shipping automation with Sendcloud

A good shipping experience should go beyond getting products from A to B, it should serve the business and help promote return customers. However, it often costs a lot of…

international shipping with Sendcloud

Hassle-free international shipping with Sendcloud

The number of people meeting their shopping needs online is at a peak. As the options for international shipping become more varied and increasingly affordable, it’s time for online retailers…

December 16, 2020

customs declarations

Customs declarations CN22 and CN23

Customs declarations – CN22 and CN23 customs declarations are essential for international shipping. The documents give important information about the contents of the package being shipped abroad. It is vital…

December 15, 2020

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