🕒 45 MIN
What’s it about?
It’s undeniable – Brexit has changed the way UK online retailers can sell and ship into Europe. But fear not: this doesn’t mean it’s impossible! If you are struggling to grasp the new reality of Brexit, or you just want inspiration on how to grow internationally, make sure to watch this round table discussion.
Mollie and Sendcloud will together host UK e-retailers Snag Tights, Hello Baby & The Biltong Factory for an open discussion on the events of Brexit. Learn how each retailer has handled the big Brexit changes. Hear about the strategies they’ve implemented and get the best tips on how to continue successfully selling to your EU customers.
Trevor Grinn
Founder of HelloBabyDirect.com & E-commerce consultant
Tom Martin
Chief Revenue Officer at Snag Tights
Moshe Tatz
Managing Director at the Biltong Factory
Stephanie Butcher
UK Content Marketing Specialist at Sendcloud