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Zeldi Smulders

Zeldi specializes in guiding online retailers toward insights that empower them to grow and thrive. An innate explorer, she’s always on the lookout for valuable tips, tools, and trends to help e-commerce owners overcome the most puzzling processes and enjoy a front-row seat on a journey to success.

DHL Retoure Abgabeoptionen

E-commerce returns: A complete guide for online retailers

If you run an e-commerce business, handling returns can be a daily challenge. After all, around 80% of online shoppers say they regularly return a purchase. Since returns are a…

April 30, 2024

Retourenmanagement Featured

Boost customer satisfaction with the right returns management strategy

Return shipping costs UK e-commerce retailers an estimated £18 billion annually, with return rates ranging from 20-50% across all e-commerce sectors. Today’s online shoppers expect a hassle-free returns process anytime…

March 29, 2024

How to reduce returns and enable smooth parcel delivery traffic sign

How to reduce returns in e-commerce with 10 effective strategies

Dealing with returns takes up significant resources for any e-commerce business, making it harder for them to grow. While returns are inherent to online retail, handling excessive returns can easily…

March 20, 2024

Woman learning how to write a return policy

How to write a return policy: Fewer returns & Happy customers in 5 steps

No return policy, no sale: research shows that 67% of shoppers wouldn’t even consider ordering from an online shop if there is no clear information available on how to return…

February 6, 2024

E-commerce owner with shipping problems holding parcels

Solve the 8 most common e-commerce shipping problems

Do you find yourself losing sleep over lost and damaged parcels or surprised by unexpected surcharges? Well, you’re not alone in facing shipping problems. As an e-commerce retailer, your success…

January 2, 2024

Christmas last delivery dates: Check the carrier deadlines for 2023

The end-of-year holidays are fast approaching — it’s time to start thinking about the Christmas last delivery dates for 2023. Not only does the end of the year see up…

December 5, 2023

Shipping Industry Insights

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